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They inspire to create a  collection  Ready to wear


The Orient figures in their designs,  

It will be for sale online at

October this year.


Press release

Sinaloan designer Jehsel Lau, based in Europe for 10 years, created a collection during confinement inspired by her Chinese ancestors, at a time of  introspection  due to the confinement that has lived with COVID-19

The  Collection  of 10 looks made with oriental style textiles  it began to be sold even before it was finished. The  Photographs  They are self-portraits of the Sinaloan designer, who has been in Mexico since the beginning of this year. 


Slow fashion


The  collection  called "LAU", presents a minimalist style and very linear cuts where the  combination  created by the designer, to develop Prêt à Porter pieces with the  philosophy  of zero waste.


Jehsel Lau works his designs with this  philosophy, since 2010, when  started  its first line of inspired clothing for dancers in Italy; in 2014  was finalist of "ELLE MEXICO DESEÑAN" organized by ELLE magazine and winner of the DOWNY FASHION AWARD. His last  collection  was created with smart materials that characterize her work and was seen in 2016 in Alta Roma in Italy. Months later, she decides to take a 4-year hiatus, due to her pregnancy and the birth of her first child, closing her Atelier in Milan.  

During that time of  maternity , becomes a full-time mom and moves to Versailles France. There he starts working from home,  only  in the development of wardrobe sets (For a small group of private clients), starting a new business model - responsible fashion - where they create pieces  unique and unrepeatable called HAUTEÀPORTER.COM and MISSXV.MX, both Slow Fashion projects with the  philosophy  of zero waste. 



With "LAU", Jehsel reopens his work to the general public and works on launching new collections.  

The artist expressed: "In this period of confinement and uncertainty, designing and creating with my own hands has been what has given me the  motivation  and the strength to transmit hope, calm and serenity to my son. With COVID-19 I learned that the strongest enemy we have is ours  thinking  negative, and that in moments like this, you have to know how to look objectively, thank and value your past experiences as well as those transmitted from  generation  in  generation  which are what form you as a person, especially if you know how to let go of what hurts you or does not correspond to you and identify and transform those generational experiences, only in  wisdom, that provides opportunities and learning to your  day  to  day. 

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